Review Widgets

Showcase business and product reviews on your website to impress shoppers, build trust and credibility.

No credit card required

All reviews, in one place.

Showcase Kundello, Google and Facebook reviews in one place. Simply connect your Google and Facebook accounts, and Kundello will automatically sync in all your reviews.

Wall of Love

Add a custom reviews page to your website with our Wall of Love widget.

  • Customize and add anywhere on your site
  • Showcase Kundello, Google and Facebook reviews in one place
  • New reviews synced Automatically (hourly)


Carousel is a rotating feed of your customer reviews. It's a great tool to use to showcase a selection of your best reviews to site visitors.

  • Carousel is fully responsive; it will adapt to the reader's screen for the best user experience.
  • It's customisable
  • You can show the latest reviews automatically or select favourite reviews manually

Square, Oval and Round Badge

Square, Oval, and Round Badge widgets are essential for your site. They are small but powerful. When a visitor clicks on any of these widgets, the Pop-up window will open up, showcasing all your reviews. The widgets can also be colour customized to suit your website.

Pop Up Window

The Pop-Up window will showcase all your reviews in one place. It doesn't require a separate installation, and it automatically shows up on the screen when a visitor clicks on any of these four widgets - Square Badge, Oval Badge, Round Badge, and Floating Tab. You can also easily customize this widget to match the colours of your website.

Floating Tab

Floating Tab sits discreetly at either side of the screen, prompting your website visitors to click on it to see your reviews. When a visitor clicks on it, the Pop Up Window will open up showcasing your reviews. Like other widgets, Floating Tab can be also color customized to match the colours of your website.


Product Review Stars

Showcase product review stars on the page of your product to increase buyer trust and, ultimately, your sales.

Smart Bar

Smart Bar is excellent for smaller spaces like header bars, or on the page of service you provide.

Full Smart Bar shows the rating as a word, the number of stars, average rating in numbers, and the number of reviews you have. However, the final look is purely your choice, as you can customize this widget with a click of a button.

Google Rich Snippets

Most customers start looking for a product or service on Google.

Stars in Google search results will help you:

  • Increase your visibility
  • Increase click-through rate
  • Increase rankings because of a better click-through rate (search engines take click-through rate as a ranking signal)
  • Separate you from your competitors by making you look more attractive