Post Purchase Survey (PPS)

Automatically collect customer feedback as soon as the customer completes the purchase on your website.


What is Post Purchase Survey (PPS)?

Post-purchase survey is a quick 1—to 4-question survey that customers answer immediately after completing the purchase on your website. It shows up as a popup window on your store's "thank you/order completed" page.

The PPS has a very high completion rate as the survey is easy to complete, and the timing could not be better - just after the customer completes the purchase.

Benefits include:

  • Extremely valuable feedback as the customer just went through the purchasing process, so they generally report any good or bad experience they have experienced
  • Know exactly who left the feedback. Feedback is associated with the purchaser, so you will have their name, order number, and other details (there is no anonymous feedback).


Customize your Post Purchase Survey

Your Post Purchase Survey is ready to be used without any customization. Simply add a snippet of code to your "thank you / order compete" page to start collecting feedback immediately.

However, if you wish to make changes to the survey form, you can do that as well:

  • Customize survey greeting message
  • Write your own questions
  • Decide how many questions you want to ask - up to 4 questions available
  • Customize survey colours
  • Customize "Thank You" message at the end of the survey


Analyze PPS feedback in an easy to read dashboard

  • Have a clear overview of all APS feedback you receive in easy to view dashboard
  • Ability to export feedback in Excel / CSV
  • Daily email notification when you receive new feedback