Business Reviews

Automatically collect reviews for your business and display them on your website. This will help you build trust and boost conversions.

No credit card required


Collect business reviews on one or multiple platforms

Use Kundello to collect business reviews on platforms that matter to your business. Choose between three sites - Google, Facebook or Kundello reviews, or collect reviews on all three of them. This is completely up to you!

How does it work?

Simply choose the review site where you want to receive the bulk of your reviews, and make all other review platforms your secondary choice.


Send smart email review requests

Increase the number of reviews you have with smart email review requests.

  • Send email requests automatically or manually
  • Mobile-first design for a seamless screen adaptation
  • Customise the wording and colours to suit your brand
  • Attach your logo for immediate brand recognition
  • Let your customers upload photos with their review


Automate review collection via API or embed code

Automatically send review requests to customers after they purchase through your website.

It's as simple as this:

  1. Connect your site with Kundello platform via API or Embed Code
  2. Set the time delay between a purchase and the review request email
  3. Customers receive a request to leave a review and their review automatically display on your site

This is an essential feature for E-commerce and other businesses that have online transactions.


Send review invites manually

Manual review requests are great when you want to target a specific customer or a group of customers.

They can be sent as a single request - to one customer, or in bulk - to a group of customers.

The rest works the same, customer leaves a review and review is automatically displayed on your website.


Follow up with automatic review reminders

Sometimes customers need a little nudge to leave a review.

With Kundello, you can send automatic review reminders to any customer who doesn't leave a review after your first review invite.

To send up to 2 review reminders per customer, simply set the number of days between the original review invite and each subsequent review reminder, and Kundello will take care of the rest.

*Review reminders work the same for Automatic, Manual or Bulk review invites.


Import Google and Facebook reviews to your site

No more scattered online reviews!

With Kundello, you can import all your Google and Facebook reviews so that they can be showcased on your website, in one place.

You can also reply to Google reviews directly from your Kundello dashboard, and you can share reviews with your Facebook followers at a push of a button.


Incentivize or reward your customers with coupons

Coupons are a great way to incentivize your customers to leave a review, or to thank your customers for leaving you a review. Once created, they'll be sent automatically with every "Thank You" email.

Coupons help you:

  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Boost customer word of mouth
  • Boost customer advocacy
  • Increase repeat business


Let customers add photos to the review

Showcase customer photos throughout your site to increase trust and create an immediate connection with visitors.

Your customers can upload up to 3 photos with their review, and you'll be able to publish or unpublish images with a click of a button - at any time.

When a visitor clicks on the review photo, a new pop up window will open up, showcasing the photo and a review in a larger format.

Customer photos are an optional feature, and it is your choice whether you want to allow photos to be uploaded or not.


Track all review invites

With Kundello you can track every review invite you have sent, including review reminders.

  • You'll have a complete overview of how many review invites you have sent to any customer
  • You'll see which customer has opened you review invite but has decided to ignore it
  • You'll be able to stop, pause, restart, or completely ban review invite from being sent to a particular customer.